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The life changing magic of… a morning routine!

Before you get all huffy and tell me all the reasons your aren’t a morning person, I’m going to tell you all the reasons why you can be a morning person and why you will want to be! Maybe even give you a few tips as to how.

For starters, let me just say: I have been a self-proclaimed night owl for as long as I can remember. I love night time. I love being up after everyone has gone to sleep, the glow of the tv or the lamp in my bedroom. My mind is active at night, where I feel most creative.

But if I’m being honest, I’m not doing anything creative at night. I’m mostly thinking of how I can use that inspiration in the morning, making grand plans on how I will wake up early and conquer the day. Then the alarm goes off and I hit snooze until I no longer can, rush into the shower, rush through breakfast, forget my lunch and off into my day I go, scatter brained and upset I didn’t just wake up on time.

Sound familiar?

I am not knocking staying up late and enjoying the days you get to sleep in and enjoy the comforts of the bed, but that usually isn’t on days when work needs to be done.

My mornings have a special place in my heart now and while, not perfect, I do love waking up early and starting my day on the right foot.

So, here is a list of the benefits of a morning routine:

Truth is, science backs the notion that early birds are simply happier people and there is good reason why. Think about the domino effect waking up early has…..

You wake up, proud you actually got out of bed. You drink a glass of water or lemon water, hydrating your body.

You tidy up, which helps wake you up and gives you a sense of accomplishment. You begin to feel more energized, and enjoy some light (or intense -you do you) exercise. The endorphins are flowing, you feel great. You get ready for the day and have time to look extra nice - feeling confident in your skin. You have time to make and enjoy or grab a good breakfast and good cup of coffee. While you eat, you enjoy a mindful moment or journal, getting you in a healthy headspace. And that energy carries you throughout the day.

All of these things improves self-esteem, productivity, reduces stress, improves your health, and leads to feelings of joy, happiness, and contentment.

So now that you know WHY, let me give you some tips on how:

  • Just do it. I mean, I hate to be so straightforward, but seriously get out of your own way, shut the morning argument in your head up, don’t overthink it and just do it!

  • Create a plan - schedule it in, decide things you want in your morning routine that you look forward to. It doesn’t have to be the things I listed. Maybe you want to enjoy a bath, or walk to your local coffee shop, or play with your dogs, or enjoy a daily devotional. This morning belongs to you! Self-care is always a win.

  • Enlist an accountabilibuddy - this is probably my favorite tip. Having support helps. Don’t know where to get it? Make a post on your Instagram story asking for anyone who wants to join you. Create a group chat and state your goals and hold each other accountable. Reach out to a friend who goes to work before you do and ask them to call you.

  • Go to bed early and get in the habit of it.

  • Set your phone to charge in another room. Dont pretend you don’t know why! Bonus points if your phone is your alarm (or seriously, just get a real alarm clock) and you have to get up to turn it off.

  • Dont overthink it.

Below is an example of a morning routine. This is personally what I enjoy and try to do. If it’s a day that I don’t exercise, I stretch, maybe do 30 seconds of jumping jacks or 5 min abs just to get some energy flowing, and use that extra time for whatever else. Usually self-care like shaving, sunless tanner, or a face mask. Sit down, create your own and enjoy your new found sense of confidence, energy, and vitality you can feel.

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