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Neuroplasticity - how to rewire your brain

Writer's picture: Keilyn GoatleyKeilyn Goatley

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

Did you know that the human brain thinks between 60-80,000 thoughts A DAY? 80% of them are said to be negative and 95% of them are repetitive thoughts.

Our brains are composed of neurons that are constantly firing at a rapid rate. Our brain develops these thought pathways that look like grooves. And these pathways become our thinking patterns.

Your thinking pattern has been developed from the time you were born. When you were young, you didn't think to question anyone's opinions, beliefs, and values. You didn't know anything about the world, so you took everyone's word for it.

If your thinking pattern doesn't serve you, that's okay. There is hope!

Every time you think the same thought, it increases your chances of having it again. Through repetition, you can change the way you think and have it serve you. You can change your brain into thinking you CAN be successful, you are worthy of love, you CAN accomplish a hard task, etc.

So, how do you do this?

It is like exercising a muscle - if you want to see progress, you have to be consistent.

So, without further ado, here is a helpful list. Find what feels most fun, easy, or right for you.

Ways to rewire your brain:

  • Journal: journaling is a great way to figure out your thoughts and rewrite and rewire them. Journaling is a powerful tool. You will find thoughts you didn't know were rambling around in your head. You can use journaling in many ways. You can search for journal prompts. You can take a subject that is bothering you and get to writing. You can do automatic writing. The possibilities with journaling are endless. Here is one way to get started: take a subject you are struggling with and write down all of your negative thoughts surrounding the subject. Then, once you have exhausted this list or feel complete, begin to dispute (argue) against them. What would a friend say? Your counselor? What is the truth. Keep in mind this isn't writing the exact opposite of the statement and forcing yourself to believe it. This is actually disputing and arguing against the thought until you feel some internal movement, like relief.

  • Meditate: I know what you're thinking, "Omg, everyone says to meditate. I can't!" That's okay. Meditation is hard because there is so much information out there on how to do it, what it looks like..... and often times we think we should be meditating every day, sitting cross legged (does this hurt anyone else's knees or am I just getting older?), and reaching new levels of enlightenment. Mehhh, next! But let's take a lighter approach to this idea. Just take a few days a week, maybe before or after your workout, sit or lie, take a few deep breaths, and just observe your thoughts. It's okay to get lost in them sometimes, but just like with exercise, consistency is key. The more you become aware of your thoughts and re-begin to observe them, the easier it'll become. You are simply observing them. You don't have to judge them, rewrite them, or anything. Once you become aware of your thoughts, the easier it is to detach from them. There are many other ways to meditate as well. What do you do that brings you joy? That keeps you present? Maybe going for walks or playing with your dog or petting your caT. Maybe engaging in something creative. Going for a drive. Playing with your kids. Putting on classical music and getting lost in the sounds. Laughing with your friends. Meditation takes many forms. Presence is the biggest key to meditation. If you are studying your thoughts or in a state of presence, you're meditating. Think about how much lighter you feel after doing something you love. How what was bothering you now seems silly. Maybe this brings me to another point.....

  • Do more things you love, more of the time: AHHHHHHH, but wait, what's the catch?! THERE IS NONE. Seriously, you have permission to just get out there and enjoy life. If you are finding pleasure, you aren't running or avoiding. You are... enjoying. Find little acts throughout your day. Maybe that's in a morning Starbucks run. A lunch break outside. Calling up a friend. A glass of wine and your favorite show. A face mask. A hike. Some queso dip or ice cream. Doing things simply for the enjoyment of it. My question is... why would I even have to convince you to do that?

  • Listen to positive affirmations while you sleep or in the background while you work: this is probably the easiest way to rewire your brain. When your brain is in an alpha state like when you are sleeping, having some positive affirmations on will easily rewire your subconscious thoughts. Also, doing this while you're distracted an not necessarily listening will help. Your ears and brain are picking up on it, whether your are aware or not. I practiced this myself and the results were honestly astounding.

  • Pick a mantra: this can be a tricky one because sometimes positive affirmations and mantras can feel awkward, untrue, or... corny. But, if you pick a mantra, and simply, without attachment, repeat it to yourself over and over again, as often as you can remember; write it down repeatedly, have visual reminders, etc.... it will begin to become your personal narrative. What do you need to hear most? "I am safe." "I am worthy." "I am loved." "I am grateful." "I am blessed." Pick a mantra that really feels good to hear, think, and feel. And... repeat it, over and over and over.

  • Begin to "yeah but" your negative thoughts: if you're a client of mine, you're probably familiar with the "yeah buts" as I like to call them. Our human brain loves us so much that it is constantly trying to protect us. It does this, sometimes, by trying to talk you out of good and exciting things, by saying, "Yeeeaaaaahhh but.... have you considered this....?" Up for a promotion that you're a likely candidate for? "Yeah, but...... Sharon is way more organized than you. She'll probably get it." Work on "yeah butting" your way in the opposite direction when the negative thoughts creep in. "Sharon will likely get the promotion. Yeaaaaahhhh but.... you are enthusiastic and your supervisor frequently asks for your opinion on tough matters. You are good at your job and you are just as worthy as Sharon."

These are a few, simple ways you can begin to rewire your brain. This process can be a fun part of your self-care and therapeutic journey. In therapy, you are actively working on processing and changing your thoughts for the better. These are some things you can do to give yourself a little boost. Other ways may include surrounding yourself by positive people (you become like the 5 people you hang around most), exercising, reading or listening to positive podcasts, eating a healthier diet, stop scrolling on social media and listening/reading the news, and deep breathing exercises. If you begin to notice a common theme amongst these posts, it is this: living a healthier, more conscious lifestyle helps you in just about every way. Enjoy!

Graphic suggesting ways to change your brain: have fun, meditate, pick a mantra, listen to affirmations, journal, stop negative thoughts.

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