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Let’s talk supplements!

*Before we dive on in, know: I am not a doctor or psychiatrist. Before starting any supplements, it is best to talk to your doctor/psychiatrist to see if it is right for you.*

As a clinician and health connoisseur in a previous life (with credentials in personal training and nutrition), I am an advocate for taking care of your body and trusting the mind will follow. Your brain is an organ, just like your heart and liver. So, by taking care of your body, you’re taking care of your brain and setting a really great baseline for mental health.

That is not to say you may not need extra help for depression or anxiety or mood, nor am I against medication. I am an advocate for ending the stigma of mental health medication. Just as you would take medication for your heart or liver or thyroid if you needed it,

you should do the same for your brain -if you need it! And regardless of requiring medication, I still believe it is important to make sure your body is healthy -the healthier the body, the happier you will feel and the greater benefit you will receive from the medications you may take.

4 helpful supplements for mental health:

  • Omega 3

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin D

  • Probiotic

If you have ADHD, depression, or a body with a heart and a brain (in other words, unless you’re the tin man or a lion...) I am always going to recommend you take an Omega 3 supplement. Think of it as lubrication for your brain. It will grease up that bad boy (your brain is a fatty organ) and help things fire smoothly. Omega 3 is scientifically proven to help with ADHD and depression. Personally, I like to take vegan Omega 3s, as they are more sustainable for the environment and are likely a purer source. Make sure the vegan Omega 3s contain DHA and EPA. You can also get omega 3s from fish, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, etc. But if you are vegan or vegetarian, you will need a supplement that contains DHA and EPA as these sources come from seaweed.

Vitamin B12 and D also both aid in positive mood and mental health. These help give you energy and boost your mood. Getting out in the sun is AMAZING (I’m not opposed to tanning beds either... for your mood!), but unless you are in the sun most of your days, you will likely need the aid of a good quality supplement. Regardless if you are vegetarian, vegan, or an omnivore you will likely need a quality B12 supplement as well. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can also get B vitamins from Nutritional Yeast (a vegan's BFF, #amiright?!) and Kombucha (more B vitamins if you brew it yourself, but that is quite a commitment... albeit a delicious one, if you're looking for a hobby).

Probiotics are a win and another daily you should consider. Your gut is literally your second brain. What goes on in your gut directly effects your brain health. Did you know serotonin is made in the gut? Having good gut health is extremely important. I take a women’s probiotic daily (for gut and female health) and my partner takes a men’s daily (for gut and men’s health). In the past I have taken Tula’s probiotic and I LOVED it -it also had other ingredients for skin health and personally speaking, I love Tula’s products (their exfoliating face mask is a personal fav if you're looking for recommendations). Whatever you decide to take, make sure it is good quality. You can also get probiotics naturally from fermented food such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha.

If you are curious or health conscious enough, you may want to talk to your PCP or holistic practitioner to get a blood test to see what your needs are and what they recommend or can offer you (I have a friend who regularly gets a B12 shot and says it works wonders for her energy levels and mood).

3 other helpful supplements you may consider:

  • GABA - this is my personal favorite. It is neurotransmitter that has MANY benefits and little to no side effects. It is said to help with anxiety, mood, depression, ADHD, and insomnia. If you take a sleeping supplement, you will likely see GABA as a listed ingredient.

  • 5HTP -this is another popular one that is said to help with sleep, mood, anxiety, and migraines. I have a friend who takes 5HTP when she has PMS and is experiencing anxiety as a result. Some use this as a “take as needed” when struggling with anxiety and some take it daily.

  • Magnesium - helps with sleep, hormones, migraines, and anxiety. You may see the common “Calm” brand that some like to take before bed or if experiencing anxiety. It is also common for sleep supplements to contain magnesium.

Other notes on supplementation:

  • Do. Your. Research. Never take my word or anybody else’s word as gold. It is important to do the research for yourself. Do a little digging. Find if it is right for you.

  • This is your body and your mind. If you are taking prescription medication, talk to your doctor and search for possible drug interactions. I am as serious about this one as I am about drinking or smoking/ingesting marijuana while taking medications. If you want to reap the most benefits from your medication, you need to follow your physician's directions.

  • There are other things you can do to naturally increase feel good vitamins and minerals and superfoods and hormones - such as diet, exercise, and meditation (which increases GABA 😉).

  • Buy the best quality you can afford. Do your research, read reviews and find the best fit for you. Supplements don’t have to break the bank, but you also don’t want a low quality one. Your health is a great investment, so don't skimp.

Personally speaking, there are many supplements I like to take and will rotate -or add to my diet. Like turmeric or ginger or maca. But I like to take as little as possible. So I did a little digging and found this supplement that I am going to try for me and my family and it will reduce the amount of supplementation we take -which will save a ton of money and increase absorption. Woo!

Click here for more information and a discount.

A healthy body is a happy mind. So do yourself a favor, and enjoy a WHOLE-istic approach.

Holistic doesn’t mean going all natural. It means WHOLE-istic. Do what feels best for you and also know, medication and therapy is as holistic as supplementation, exercise, and diet.

A note on shared links: They are referral codes, not ads. I don’t get paid sponsorship. If you use the links, I may get credit to my accounts*

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