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How to comeback from a relapse

Life ebbs and flows and no matter how much inner world you do on healing depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc, sometimes it can rear its silent head and creep back into your life.

It is not a sign of failure. It is simply the nature of life.

So, when it does happen, it can be helpful to keep in mind helpful tools to get you back on track with your mental health.

If you have a relapse, you might feel many emotions. Many of my clients feel like failures, disappointed in themselves, like they are weak, or no matter what they do, they can’t escape. Please know, it does not make you any of these things.

Step one to getting back on track: write down signs you may be experiencing a relapse. What does it look like for you when you begin to struggle?

The next step is to keep a list of things you know will help you get back on track. And begin to implement these behaviors. Slowly, so as to not overwhelm yourself, if necessary.

That’s it! Don't overthink it. Getting back on track is easier than you think. What keeps you from getting back on track is when you allow self-loathing, doubt, and disappointment creep in and stick around.

This too shall pass.

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